Advertising Services

Advertising Services

Reach Targeted Avatar Audience For Higher Conversion And Brand Exposure

Our Advertising Motto: Results First Advertisement

At Local Spear Leads, we believe in “results first” advertisement. It is common knowledge that there are risks involved in advertising, however it is pervasive to see advertising agencies use this risk to justify campaign failures. In the end, the client may suffer great monetary losses while the agency still makes great profits.

We are pushing to change this agenda. We keep it simple and to the point, providing a clear expectation for the first impressions. No more risky unknowns and SPIN selling tactics for a campaign with unknown results. First expectations are always presented, then adjusted to suit your acceptance to risk.

We measure twice before you decide to make the cut.

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Search advertising

When it comes to demand harvest advertising, or often generalized as pay per click advertising, we at Local Spear Leads take pride in our ability to optimize the ad spend cost by using our proprietary bid auctioning algorithm.

This code allows us to outbid your competitors on the highest converting leads, taking into account the time, place, and conversion rate of the leads. LSL also incorporates multi-platform marketing to harvest the highest converting leads, further optimizing the cost on ad spend.

  • We Have A Unique Search Advertising Offer!

    SEO Lead Generation Landing Page

    A unique and low budget lead generation advertising method that we offer at Local Spear Leads. This method uses a landing page built and optimized by our SEO experts to gather search results using targeted keywords. 

    This risk free offer, consists of a one time setup fee, then the website pays for itself in leads. Meaning, you do not have any additional fees until you have made back the setup fee in total profit generated from the landing page. After the landing page has paid for itself, the website will move onto a flat fee of 10%-15% of the average monthly revenue of the service or operate in % commission. The success of the website will then directly affect our success. Lastly, there are no mandatory long term contracts. Options are available to choose short or long term contracts, monthly or annually, additional benefits for annual contracts. 

Google Search Ads

Ads that appear from the top row of a google search, the order of the ads placed are auctioned by how much advertisers are willing to pay per click (PPC). Using our proprietary algorithm, we optimize auction cost and keyword selection for conversions with the best value to outbid your competitors.

Google Shopping Ads

Product related search ads can be categorized with another advertising platform on google. The Google shopping ads appear in an interactable carousel above or beside the search results. We highly recommend this PPC advertising method for businesses with a large volume of products or have an eCommerce business to capture potential customers with high buying intent.

Amazon Pay Per Click (PPC) Ads

Similar to the Google Search Ads, Amazon PPC is in a way a combination of Google Search and Google Shopping Advertising. With consistent statistics of over 40% of all online eCommerce within the US coming from Amazon year after year, it would be almost mandatory for eCommerce businesses to have an Amazon seller option to broaden the market for their products. By managing your campaigns and targets, we can optimize your ROI to the fullest for your Amazon PPC.

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Demand Generation

Commonly mistaken as a single category with demand harvesting, demand generation is the act of generating interest instead of capturing a lead from a search engine. Meaning, demand generation advertising is the process of creating brand new leads from its audience.

At LSL we push to have a lead quantity first expectation. To do this, we analyze the structure of past campaigns that the competitors have done, what were the results, what made them successful, learning from that we add our own copy writing methods to generate a real expectation of the results. No more unknown variables or gambling on advertising campaigns with unknown results. Examples of lead generation advertising include:

  • Do you cover a niche within your niche? We got a special offer just for you!

    This is a unique offer to those who have an obscure high ticket item (avg +$1,000) that only we provide! 

    We offer a money back guarantee of a minimum quantity lead per month with no long term contracts. 

    Meaning if at any point the minimum amount of leads guaranteed per month is not met, our service is free! This deal also means that any leads over the promised amount are given to you at no additional cost. The contracts are month to month, so we keep you with our results alone. 

    So if you have a high ticket item or service that you think could qualify for this deal, contact us now at no cost or obligation through this unique link!

Display Ads

 A volume based advertising method to reach the majority of online users. This method will cultivate your audience slowly through exposure and general interest. Agencies often only use google partner websites but at LSL we incorporate other platforms as well to further focus on the target audience based on your avatar customer. This allows laser focus targeting even for a broad marketing method such as this.

Facebook Ads

This deserves to be a whole separate category because facebook is a different world of its own. Using our expert marketing research, we study and break down competitor advertising campaigns, then apply our expert copywriting strategy to further enhance your advertising campaigns. Local Spear Leads specializes in spearlike precision targeting within this platform, selecting the audience through search behaviors and habits for the best conversions rates. 

Email Marketing

Email promotions and marketing campaigns allow for direct response and contact from your potential prospects. This method can vary from Gmail Sponsored Promotions (GSP) or marketing campaigns designed specifically for your business with expert copywriting and mailing contacts. The contacts can either be provided or arranged as a full service. Email campaign results are direct and have high conversion value, it is highly recommended for any business that has collected customer contact data.

Social Media Ads

In addition to the Facebook ads, we also cover a variety of social media platforms to ensure your target audience are within the reach of our spear. Including Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok ads, we strategize to target local marketing platforms, community based social media, and even neighborhood targeted online media. For those who have a further reach, we also cover apps such as WeChat, LINE, and WhatsApp if you can operate with an overseas audience.

Social Media Management

More often than not, demand generation advertising focuses on social media advertising.

However, advertising on social media also requires consistent tracking and content building on the social media platform in order to have maximum conversion. Reason being, if the lead were to funnel through the advertisement onto the social media page, the lead would expect an active presence to negate any doubt that the lead may have from the advertisement. Local Spear Leads offer full service Social Media Management for a hands-off experience so you can focus on providing top quality service.

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